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Donnerstag, 24. November 2022

Science Museum in London Car Rocket Steam


     Das Science Museum ist ein Museum in London, Stadtteil South Kensington, Cromwell Road, bei dem die Darstellung der Entwicklung von Forschung und Technik im Mittelpunkt steht.
Es ist ein Teil des Nationalen Museums für Wissenschaft und Industie. Das Museum ist eine Londoner Touristenattraktion, der Eintritt ist frei.

1. Dampfmaschinen -Steam Engines



Puffing Billy steam locomotive

 Puffing Billy is the world oldest surviving steam locomotive, constructed in 1813 - 1814;

2.Great Hall - Early Vehicles

London and North Western Railway 2-2-2 Locomotive Columbine

Steam locomotive and tender, Grand Junction Railway, (London & North Western Railway),
 2-2-2 No 49, "Columbine", designed by Alexander Allen, built at Crewe Works in 1845, 
withdrawn 1902, cab separated from locomotive.

Ford Model T Automobil

Foden Diesel Truck 1931

LONDON Battersea Powerplant

London Battersea Powerplant 


LONDON Westminster



 LONDON Westminster Bridge

Steamboat - Pub on the Thames

Tattershall Castle


Dienstag, 22. November 2022

Old Cars in London


LONDON Earls Court Subway Underground Station

London Earls Court Station

   This Station was opened 30.Oct.1871

Earls Court Station

Subway  Baker Street Station

Notting Hill Gate Station

District Line

Notting Hill Gate